Main health benefits of honey?

Md Mijanur Rahman
4 min readDec 23, 2020

The health benefits of honey are not widely known to this day. Honey is healthier and purer than artificial sweeteners or sugar and offers more than just taste for those with a sweet tooth. Honey benefits your health and your body both inside and out.


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Honey production

How do bees make honey? The process starts in the flower when the bee collects the nectar from the peak. Most of the nectar is made up of water and a minority of complex sugars. The bees have to store the sugar and make it usable to convert the nectar into honey. To accomplish this task, a worker bee flies to the beehive with a stomach full of nectar to regurgitate the modified nectar for a bee in the beehive. The bee in the beehive ingests the nectar to break down the sugar. As soon as the beehive has completed this task, it spits the nectar back into a honeycomb cell. The bees in the beehive are responsible for flapping their wings to evaporate any remaining water. When the sugar is ready, it will turn into honey. A worker bee will produce 1/12 teaspoon of honey during its lifetime, but if the bees work together in a colony, more than 200 pounds of honey will be made in a year.

The hard work of the bees provides us with healthy and useful food. However, it consists of 80% natural sugar, 18% water, and 2% vitamins, minerals, and pollen. Remember, honey won’t drain as it doesn’t contain bacteria. So as long as you need it, you can keep it on your shelf.

Health benefits of honey

Because of its carbohydrates, it is nature’s energy booster. These carbohydrates provide both energy and strength. The glucose in honey also plays an essential role as it is quickly absorbed by the body to provide instant energy. Unlike refined sugar, honey keeps the body’s sugar levels somewhat constant instead of increasing blood sugar, resulting in low energy levels.

Its antibacterial, antiviral and contains antioxidants to help boost the body’s immunity. Raw honey contains around 5000 enzymes and many vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Honey helps fight breathing problems and has improved the quality of life for cancer patients.

It does not contain empty calories, Unlike refined white sugar. Use honey instead of white sugar to reduce blood sugar spikes and fill those empty calories with vitamins and minerals. Honey has also been observed to suppress your appetite. A teaspoon of honey has around 21 calories and is sweeter than sugar, which means you can use less to get the same sweetening effect that may promote weight loss.

When applied topically, honey’s properties can heal wounds, including burns and ulcers. The two sugars in honey, fructose, and glucose attract water. So when honey is applied to an injury, the honey absorbs the water from the wound. This action dries the wound to inhibit and prevent bacterial growth.

The ten best ways to cook and eat honey

Use it as a healthy sweetener in your hot tea.
Mix it with your plain yogurt instead of buying less healthy pre-sweetened yogurt.
Scatter some peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon toast to start your morning routine.
Instead of sprinkling sugar over the cereal, sprinkle honey over it.
Replace sugar in a cookie, bread, and muffin recipes.
Use it as a condiment for meat. Before cooking, apply honey to chicken or pork chops to give the core a unique flavor.
Create a salad dressing with olive oil, vinegar, and honey to use in salads.
Add honey and lemon to hot water as a cooling and soothing drink.
Eat it straight from the comb! Bite the comb and chew like gum. The more you chew, the more honey comes out of the comb. When all of the honey is out of the honeycomb, spit or swallow the wax. The wax is safe to eat and non-toxic.

While this is a healthy addition to any diet, some people need to take precautions. People who are allergic to pollen should be careful when eating, although severe reactions are rare. The stores sell honey filtered and pasteurized, which reduces the amount of pollen in honey. If you have a pollen allergy, avoid eating it straight from the comb because it is in its natural form.

How to choose honey

To get all the benefits, choose raw honey. The natural version hasn’t been filtered or pasteurized, meaning it hasn’t been stripped of its powerful vitamins and minerals. To select the best quality and enjoy all of the health benefits of honey, find one that says “100% Raw” and enjoy your way to nutritious sweetness.



Md Mijanur Rahman

Hello! I am a digital developer and marketing professional with experience, and working in a high impact marketing promotion, printing, and digital media.